Hi there – so nice to see you over on my blog! It was so great connecting during the 2025 Cricut Craftfest! I’m so glad you’re here and want to stay connected and become a Whiskey Craft Buddy! That’s what we call the members of my craft community both here on my blog and YouTube Channel: Whiskey & Whit.

I’ve also rounded up all the supplies I used in the video for easy shopping if something caught your eye – please note, that some of the links are commissionable. You can read my full disclosure about that here.

Workshop Supplies & Links

Craft Room Must Haves Amazon List – link
Organization Supplies Mentioned/Shown In My Class are Linked Here:

  1. Card Organizer 
  2. Cardstock Handled Carrier 
  3. Michaels 12×12 Clear Bins 
  4. Smaller Bins For Printer Paper
  5. Large Rolling Cart 
  6. Small Rolling Cart 
  7. Drawer Organizers 
  8. Paint Bottle Holder 
  9. Glass Jars 
  10. Snap Bracelets 
  11. Over The Door Vinyl Holder 
  12. Replacement Blades 
  13. Labels For Cloth Bins 
  14. Lemon Milk Font
  15. Photo Organizer For Bracelet Supplies
  16. Large Clear Bins (Fabric & Felt) 
  17. Non-Cricut Bluetooth Label Maker

Items From Dollar Tree:

  1. Binder + Folders 
  2. Square Storage Jars
  3. Barbie Clothes Container
  4. Stackable Plastic Containers
  5. Pencil Box
  6. Round Magnetic Containers For Blades + Housing
  7. Bins For Vinyl

Tour My Craft Room To See My Systems in Action!