Welcome to Whiskey & Whit! A blog centered around DIYing and decorating spaces and a home you love – I’m so glad you’re here! You can learn more about me and my creative journey here.

Are you a social (media) butterfly? In addition to this blog full of ideas, you can also find me on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Pinterest.

And if you’re a brand or fellow content creator, who would like to work together, you can email [email protected] to start the conversation!

Where did the name Whiskey & Whit come from?

This has to be one of my most-asked questions, so let’s set the record straight. Where did the name Whiskey & Whit come from – and what does it have to do with crafting? Well, you’d be right, it doesn’t have much to do with DIY, but I like to think I’ve made it synonymous with my brand and my style of crafts.

You see, Whiskey & Whit started in 2016 as a custom sign and gifts business. Needing money to pay for my 2017 wedding, I bought a Cricut and got to work. I sold signs, ornaments, shirts – all the things and made over $4,000 that Christmas.

To start that business, I needed a name. And at the time, whiskey barrels were HUGE in wedding decor and that’s what was on my mind 99.9% of the time – typical wedding planning. And I originally started with wine in the name (because that’s more my drink of choice and it starts with W for the alliteration), but I kept coming back to the grit associated with whiskey – plus the fact that I hadn’t seen a name like that around before.

I then read that if you see yourself drinking whiskey in your dreams, it can hint towards some big financial gains coming your way. And who would argue with that? I was trying to grow a successful business.

I then added the “& Whit” first because of my name (Whitney) and the second because I like to think I have a quick wit and can be funny. So Whiskey & Whit was born. And it stuck!